The After School schedule is here! Click here for a printable copy of the after school weekly schedule. Remember, after school starts October 1st!
8th Grade Graduation: A Celebration of Achievement and Excellence Graduation at MS343 is always a memorable and joyous event, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our students as they move on to high school.
MS343 Prom At the MS343 8th grade prom, students danced, took ridiculous selfie videos, and hilariously lost a dance-off to a 9-foot robot wielding a steam cannon. You know, a Tuesday.
After School Survey Let your voice be heard! Fill out the After School Survey to choose your placement for the afterschool program! Will you be a gamer? A photographer? An artist? A engineer? The choice is yours!
8th Grade Trip to Club Getaway Last week's Club Getaway trip was filled with team-building challenges, thrilling activities, and memory-making, and highlighted 8th grade's incredible journey and the strong bond with teachers and peers.
6th and 7th Grade Quassy Park trip On a perfect June day, students enjoyed rollercoasters, time with friends, spinning in circles and hanging upside-down, and so. much. ice cream.
Career Day returns to MS343 For the first time since the pandemic, Career Day made it's triumphant return to MS343 with an amazing group of talented professionals.